t: 0161 214 4590
e: info@disabledliving.co.uk
Monday - Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm

Disability Awareness Training

Disability Awareness Featured Image

Our training courses are now operated by our new service Adapt & Live

In this Disability Awareness Training, you will learn to be confident in your understanding of disability, learn to recognise what challenges are faced by people in the community and workplace and how to use your skills to help yourself and the person affected feel positive and included.  

Why should you do this training

An interactive relaxed course which will allow you to recognize issues and challenges faced by those who have a disability.

Who is the course for?

All people who are working with a person with a disability.

What are the course pre-requisites?

A realisation and willingness to be open and honest and learn about yourself and how disability can affect us all.

Where does the training take place?

We have two well equipped training venues to use:

Redbank House
4 St.Chad’s Street
M8 8QA


Disabled Living Centre
Burrows House
10 Priestley Road
Wardley Industrial Estate
Worsley, Manchester
M28 2LY

This course can also be accessed online.

When does the training take place?

This course is delivered as a bespoke course for your organization, please contact us to arrange.

What does the course cost?

This course costs £560 per half day session.

Terms and conditions

For more information on our cancellation policy and payment methods, please view the Disabled Living training event terms and conditions.

To find out more information about our Moving and Handling Plus Sized People course, please email Disabled Living at training@disabledliving.co.uk or call us on 0161 214 4590.

