Disabled Living’s 120th AGM at the Yang Sing Cathay

Friday 13th is unlucky for some. However, this can’t be said for Disabled Living. The team put together a lot of plans and preparation to hold their 120th Annual General Meeting at the Yang Sing Cathay in the Trafford Centre. And it was a successful and enjoyable afternoon for all.
Gerry Yeung OBE, owner of the Yang Sing, President of Disabled Living, and Higher Sheriff of Greater Manchester welcomed our guests and did his introductory speech.

Gerry Yeung opening Disabled Living’s AGM

Dean Styger, Chairman of Disabled Living

Debra Evans, Chief Exexutive of Disabled Living, giving her speech
This was followed by talks from our Chairman, Dean Styger, and Chief Executive, Debra Evans. A lot of information was provided to our guests, which guided them through key parts of our Annual Report for 2016/2017.
Thank you to our speakers
We were pleased to be joined by Joanne Beamish from Lloyd Piggott who spoke about Disabled Living’s annual accounts over the past 12 months and how we are in a stable financial position. The election of Honorary Officers and Council successfully took place followed by other business discussions.

Joanne Beamish from Lloyd Piggott

Anthony O’Connor, Director of Fundraising and Development at Manchester Cathedral
It was wonderful to have our guest speaker, Anthony O’Connor, Director of Fundraising and Development at Manchester Cathedral. Many of us were impressed by the success of the cathedral and it was good to gain a bigger insight on it’s history. After the talks were complete, it was time for food. The part which many, if not all of us were looking forward to!
For starters, we were served with pork spring rolls, spring onion pancakes (vegetarian option), chicken balls with satay sauce, and beef dumplings with ginger and spring onion. The lovely choices of dishes were followed by aromatic crispy duck with pancakes, leek, cucumber, and hoisin sauce. Finally, the main course was a choice of goujons of white fish with sweet and sour sauce, crispy chilli shredded fillet steak, mixed vegetables in Thai green curry, and boiled or egg fried rice.
Natasha and Joanne’s first experience of Disabled Living’s AGM
This AGM was Joanne and Natasha’s first one that they have attended. Both Joanne and Natasha thought the event ran smoothly and really enjoyed meeting everybody.
Natasha, Marketing Coordinator & Content Writer at Disabled Living: It was an honour to be part of such an important event for Disabled Living, having only been in the team for a short period of time. I’m glad I was invited along. It was great to network and enjoy a variety of food at the same time.
Joanne Mulligan, Team Leader, Kidz and Business Development: My first time at the AGM had lovely surroundings, ambience and food. It was great to hear Anthony’s talk on his role at the Cathedral and also to put faces to names.
We would like to thank Gerry Yeung and all of his team at Yang Sing Cathay for their excellent customer service. They made sure our drinks were topped up and promptly served the courses of food.