Staying Fit with a Disability

This is a sponsored blog post written by Jorvik Tricycles for Disabled Living.
If you have from a disability, you may wonder and worry how you can exercise and stay fit. Fortunately, there are lots of ways that you can get out and about or stay healthy from the comfort of your own home. In our guide, we’ll show you the best ways you can stay fit and healthy and feel good about yourself.
Head outdoors
It’s important you don’t let your disability get in your way of getting out and about into the great outdoors. If you have a powered wheelchair, you can move around with ease on paths and footways. They are powered electrically so you can move along independently without the need of help from others.
Another alternative, are tricycles. If you have confidence in the use of your legs, then you can propel yourself along on a tricycle. The great thing about them is that they are on three wheels (two at the back and one at the front). This gives you greater stability and makes you feel a bit safer when you’re riding around. There is a great range of tricycles from Jorvik Tricycles so check them out.
Exercise from home
There are some great exercises you can do from your home, and even the comfort of your chair. Here are some of the best exercises you can do, taken from a great article by Invacare:
- Shoulder Movements – Moving your shoulders in a circular motion helps to keep them strong. You’d be amazed how often you use your shoulders so it’s important to keep them mobile and strong.
- Balloon Squeeze – Find a ball or if possible, a medicine ball and place it on your chest. Start to squeeze the ball as hard as you can. The more you squeeze the ball, the more it works your chest and you will feel the pinch!
- The Zombie Twist – No, not a Halloween dance. This exercise derives its name from the way you look whilst doing it. Sit up straight in your chair and hold your arms out in front of you (like a zombie). Start to twist slowly from right to left keeping your arms out straight. Repeat 10 times (or less if you’re struggling).
- The Jazz Toes – If you enjoy bopping along to a song whilst exercising, you will enjoy this one. Sit up straight in your chair or wheelchair and place your feet flat on the ground. All you need to do is point your feet up towards the ceiling and then point them to the floor. You should feel a slight twinge at the back of your foot.
- Higher Knees – Again, sit up straight in your chair or wheelchair and put your feet flat on the ground or on your footplate. Lift your leg slowly to a manageable point and start to bend your knee in towards you. Hold for 5 seconds and then start to lower your foot down. Try and repeat the exercise around 10 times if you can.
So, there you have our top tips for keeping fit from home or in the great outdoors. Get in touch with us if you need any more advice. It is incredibly important to stay fit and hopefully this post has helped you see just how easy it is.