t: 0161 214 4590
e: info@disabledliving.co.uk
Monday - Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm

Care and Control – Physical Intervention, Breakaway and Disengagment

Care and Control – Physical Intervention & Breakaway and Disengagement

Bespoke for Your Organisation

It is beneficial for delegates to attend the Managing Challenging Behaviours course prior to this training.
aggressively grabbing someones arm
A bespoke course focusing on physical skills for those in the care sector. This bespoke and concise course equips participants, who may in their everyday roles face behaviour that challenges from those in their care. Tailored to each workplace, their staff and service users this course is also a great team-building opportunity.


  • Understand the Law in relation to the use of physical force for personal defence of themselves and others.
  • Demonstrate the appropriate and effective physical skills for the purpose of breaking away from a service user.
  • Understand Reasonable Force in relation to physical interventions by reference to common criminal law.
  • Examine the requirements of Health and Safety statute and associated Regulations and show how they apply to applying physical interventions.
  • Evaluate the risks associated with physical intervention and explore how to minimise those risks.
  • Differentiate between holding, escorting and guiding and non-harmful seated restraint techniques and how to apply them.
  • Demonstrate and explain how to gradually de-escalate and relax holds to allow the subject being restrained to regain self-control.
  • Explore the risks associated with alcohol and drugs, knives and other forms of edged weapons in relation to the use of physical intervention.
  • Investigate the difference between non-harmful methods of control and more restrictive methods of control and when the use of such methods would be considered appropriate.


Doug Melia

Target Group

Healthcare Workers, Schools/ Colleges, Social Workers, Housing Officers, anyone who may be faced with Challenging Behaviour.

How to book

Contact the training team on 0161 214 4590 or email training@disabledliving.co.uk

Terms and conditions

Please view the Disabled Living terms and conditions document for our training courses.

