t: 0161 214 4590
e: info@disabledliving.co.uk
Monday - Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm

Trusted Assessor Refresher Course

Trusted Assessor Refresher featured image

Our training courses are now operated by our new service Adapt & Live

Which ever level of Trusted Assessor you are working at, it is essential to revisit important concepts of your original training.

By attending our Trusted Assessor/ Equipment Refresher course, you will be able to use your experiences so far to revisit any principles you may have forgotten, or brush up on new information you  may not be aware of.

In House Course Bespoke for Your Organisation

Why should I do this training

You will bring personal experiences to the session and use them to show awareness of environmental risk assessment of a person, identifying the different components within person centred practice. Your knowledge of equipment will increase and you will work alongside peers to build on existing knowledge and skills are.

Who is the Course for?

All trusted assessors, or professionals who would like to update their knowledge and skills on low level equipment.

Where will this training take place?

Disabled Living Centre
Burrows House
10 Priestley Road
Wardley Industrial Estate
Worsley, Manchester
M28 2LY

Click on the dates below to book your training

Our training courses are now operated by our new service Adapt & Live

This Trusted Assessor/ Equipment Refresher course can also be provided as a bespoke session for your organisation. Please contact us to book.

What does it cost?

£145 + VAT per person.

Terms and conditions
For more information on our cancellation policy and payment methods, please view the Disabled Living training event terms and conditions.

To find out more information about our Trusted Assessor Refresher Course, please email Disabled Living at training@disabledliving.co.uk or call us on 0161 214 4590.

